Learn the strategies used to create a "Tax-Free Retirement Account" These accounts allow for significant cash accumulation & can be used later for retirement. Unlike traditional retirement savings accounts like 401k & IRAs there is no limit on how much you can contribute each year. Your principal is protected from market downturns.

Legacy Life Co was founded in 2020. We take pride in serving our clients and creating custom made solutions based on their individual needs.​
We began operating in Colorado and have since expanded our reach to all 50 states. We serve all markets within the financial services arena. We've been able to expand our markets to include all forms of life insurance, along with more specialized retirement planning services for high net worth clients. For more information on retirement planning & cash value life insurance click the learn more button below.
We Work With 30+
"A" Rated Insurers.
This Means Our Clients Get The Best Coverage Available